SOLOPOS.COM - Gal Gadot. (Instagram @gal_gadot), SOLO-Di tengah dukungan warga di berbagai negara terhadap Palestina, artis Gal Gadot justru muncul dengan sejumlah unggahan mendukung Israel. Simak ulasannya di kabar artis kali ini.

Pemeran film Wonder Woman itu mengunggah sejumlah video dan foto yang bertuliskan dukungan untuk negara yang dipimpin Perdana Menteri Benjamin Netanyahu itu. “I stand with Israel you should too.
The world cannot sit on the fence when these horrific acts of terror are happening!” demikian tulisnya di unggahan tertanggal 8 Oktober 2023 dikutip dari Instagram @gal_gadot pada Selasa (31/10/2023).

Promosi Banjir Kiper Asing Liga 1 Menjepit Potensi Lokal

Sikap Gal Gadot yang secara terang-terangan mendukung agresi Israel ini ternyata didukung sejumlah selebriti di Tanah Air. Mereka ramai-ramai memberikan tanda suka di unggahan Instagram pemeran film Red Notice tersebut.

Ada sejumlah artis Tanah Air yang menyukai unggahan tersebut antara lain Tarra Budiman, Giorgino Abraham, Jeremy Thomas, Rendy Kjaernett. Ada juga Angel Pieters, Millen Cyrus, Lukman Sardi, Andrea Dian, Gloria E Widjaja dan Patricia Gouw.

Melihat sikap sang aktris dalam menyikapi perang Palestina dan Israel itu, tak sedikit warganet mengecam. Sejumlah unggahan Instagram Gal Gadot pun diserbu warganet.

“What about all the children that died in palestine ? so you’re saying it’s okay for them to die being bomb? your non existent country have put them in open prison for more than 7 decades , they are not free to do anything . and now you guys are doing genocide . why are you bombing gaza if there’s so many of your hostages there if their life’s risk ?” tulis @emerald*** di salah satu unggahan sang artis.

“I am a fan of yours, but I am disappointed because your posts are judgmental without considering the true story. #freepalestine,” tulis @titiin***

“I’m disappointed to see you support people that are committing crimes. Support should be to peace, def not Israel,” tulis @sarah***.

“You’re asking for 200 hostages to be released? If they were released, could you bring back the souls of 8,000 Palestinians? Don’t just talk nonsense about human rights but be blind to the Palestinian people,” tulis @linahan***.

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